Oct 31, 2009

Carroll Spooktacular 2009!!

The Annual Carroll "Spook" was a lot of fun this year. The attendees were as follows:
Hermione and Harry showed up together. Shhh....don't tell Ron. Uniqua, from The Backyardigans, was adorable and had a lot of fun. I was super happy Spongebob didn't show up.
....Little Skeletor.
Harry was practicing a spell that Hermione had taught him. She is way better at spells.
Bumblebee took a break from battling the Decepticons to come to the party. He and Uniqua were quite a pair.
A motocross champ and his cheerleader came together. He had just came from quite a race...thank goodness she was there to cheer him to victory.
A couple of tourists showed up with their map....apparently the Carroll Spooktacular is becoming quite the tourist trap.
Sonny and Cher made an appearance. And they were ALL over each other....wow.
A crazed mad scientist posing as a doctor showed up. It was a little awkward because he had blood all over his lab jacket...apparently he didn't mind us knowing he had just committed a savage crime.
And last, but certainly not least, the Butterfly and the Bull rider. What a strange couple!
Everyone seated at the table, ready for the Mystery Dinner.
Cher and Sonny...so in love
I was a little concerned that the Butterfly and the Bull rider would be the mad man's next victims...
Team Tibbitts enjoying some down time.
Grandpa tourist and Little Skeletor.
And then, we took Bumblebee and Uniqua Trick or Treating...
The Bull rider worked on his technique between houses. He is way past 8 seconds.
More pictures...
The very handsome Little Skeletor won my heart.
And the Best Costume goes to....
The Bull rider!!!
Thanks for coming everyone!! We hope you all had as much fun as we did!


Brooke said...

What awesome costumes! Looks like another big success!

Linnell said...

What a fun, fun time!!! You and Mard throw an awesome party!! I have to agree with you - little Skeletor won my heart too!!! Along with Uniqua and Bumble Bee!! Thanks for all the fun!!

Mariann said...

What fun! But I don't about those kissing cousins. :)

Jessica said...

You guys have the most awesome family!!! It looks like u had tons of fun!!! I hope I get to see u this Christmas!!!