Oct 16, 2009

Congratulations Lindsey!! Part 2

It is official!! Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Brian Walker!!! They are such a gorgeous couple. They look so alike, you might mistake them for brother and sister.....or at least until they start kissing all over each other. They do that pretty well ;)

....see, kissing all over each other.
Isn't she absolutely BEAUTIFUL?!! She looked perfect, and her dress was so so fantastic. I am so so HAPPY we got to be there. Thanks again Mom, for watching the kiddos for us! You are so awesome!!

Wow, what handsome guys!!

Just the Girls!!
The whole group back together again, minus the Bride. She had already left with her new husband....I guess they had better things to do. hee hee hee
Me and my Mard

Congrats you guys! We are looking forward to getting together for raclette and games!!

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