Nov 7, 2009

My Special Brand of Irony

I am the mom you see in the grocery store scrubbing down the cart with antibacterial wipes. I am the mom who doesn't go anywhere without hand sanitizer. I am the mom who thoroughly washes her kiddo's hands when we get home. And to NO AVAIL......Kaitlyn has H1N1.

It is AWFUL NASTY stuff. She woke up Thursday morning with a fever of 103, which peaked at 103.9 Even on Motrin, it didn't drop below 102. I took her to the Dr. only to sit in the waiting room with other poor souls with the same symptoms. She is on Tamiflu...I hope it will be short lived and I hope poor Jacks has a killer immune system.

Oh, and we waited in line on Tuesday to get the H1N1 takes 8-10 days to work.....awesome.


Melissa Hernandez said...'s really every mom's worst nightmare. I am too am the crazy mom who carries the antibacterial EVERYWHERE, and I mean EVERYWHERE...I am also the crazy mom who hasn't taken her kids to church in like 3 months (except Sacrament here and there)....I keep checking BRHD website and they never have any shots available, good to know it takes 8-10 days (which is super lame)...I am keeping my fingers crossed that Kaitlyn will have a speedy recovery and babies are born with killer immune systems, so his is probably kickin in like crazy!!!! Good luck!

Brooke said...

So sorry cousin! I felt the same way when Carson got Rota Virus. Poor Kaity. I got the flu last week, 7 days after getting the flu shot so I also know the irony of the 8-10 waiting period too. So frusterating! I hope Kaity gets better soon and that no one else comes down with it! Good luck!

anniejoneslarsen said...

What a bummer! I am even paranoid about going to church! LOVE Jack's Halloween costume!

Mom/Linnell said...

Poor little Kaity!! We're hoping she gets better really quick and no one else gets it!! Tell her we love her!!

mikeandang said...

That bites! and is why I've decided to boycott because there's no way I'm about ready to take my poor, sick, pregnant body and stand in line with my 3 hyperactive children. You must just have really bad luck. Hope she gets better soon and that the rest of you stay virus-free. Good luck!