Oct 13, 2009

Just a few thoughts. WARNING---a little cloudy

When is UDOT not doing major road construction on the 15? Oh that's right, NEVER.

After Kaitlyn's epic public tantrum(s) today, I will not be having more children.

Obama........Nobel Peace.......Really????

I need one of those privacy glass windows like the ones in limos so I can roll it up when my child wants to scream and yell in the car.

On a sunnier note, Happy Halloween!!! I bought the cutest decorations today ;)


val said...

you're awesome april. we have a pretend limo window in our car.

Melissa Hernandez said...

LOL! I am so glad it's not just me that claims I am done with 2(most days)!! I have decided it's much easier to stay home and handle the tantrums than to take them public...yes that means we are home ALOT, but I officially do my grocery shopping after the hubby gets home, and he gets children duty while I go shopping (grocery or leisure)....the terrible 2 tantrums kill me some days!

Annie said...

So I hear that Markham is leaving Deloitte! Congrats to you! :-)

By the way, I am DREADING the terrible twos with two little boys...it will be an interesting time.

Kelli and Chad said...

You crack me up! I am with you on all of these thoughts. Well, I don't know much about the construction one. Although, Chad and I were driving through Utah a few weeks ago and we were saying they are ALWAYS doing construction. Don't get me started on the Nobel Peace Prize thing.