Jan 22, 2009

Lost is Back!!

I am so excited that Lost is back!! WOW. For those of you who know me well, you know I have watched every season of Lost, and at times have been utterly frustrated with the show. It has truly been a love/hate relationship. But last night was great!! THREE hours!! The first was a re-cap, ofcourse, of all that has happened in the last 4 seasons, which was a nice refresher. The 2 hour premiere was fantastic!! I can't wait until next week ;) Luckily I have 24, House, Grey's Anatomy, and Fringe to keep me occupied on the other days of the week. I Love my shows and thank goodness for my DVR!

Jan 15, 2009

Our Secret......Revealed!!

It has been so so hard for me to keep this quiet, but I AM PREGNANT!!!!! I just had my 12 week appointment today. We are so excited!!! I am due the end of July, not so good for tax season for Markham, sigh, but we will make it!! We won't know if it is a girl or a boy for a few more weeks! It is so tough waiting! I have been so TIRED and Nauseous. But I am happy to report, I am feeling much better now ;)


"The Blue Screen of Death." Our computer welcomed us back with this. Totally crashed, hence the reason my blog has been totally neglected. Luckily, my brother Dylan is fantastic and helped us get it up and going again. Thanks again, Dylan! Unfortunately, I lost the program I used to create my blog headers. Imagine my devastation when I sat down to replace my Christmas one and realized I couldn't do much.....sniff, sniff. For now, my creativity is seriously stifled.

Christmas with the Carrolls

We had a great time in California for Christmas. The Carrolls are a super festive group, so we were busy going to parties and visiting with friends. It was really great to see everyone and to catch up. Kaitlyn was so excited to see her California cousins!! They had a really good time playing together.

We missed you Matt!!! See you soon!!

"Raclette Christmas"

This year Markham and I surprised each other with the same gift!!! What are the chances!! We bought each other Raclette Grills.

Our good friends introduced us to this wonderful grill last summer. They invited us over for dinner, and wow, it was fantastic! They served us Raclette, a traditional dish served in Switzerland, where they both served missions. You basically melt cheese in a special dish and pour it over potatoes, veggies, or whatever you like, it's cheese, so you really can't go wrong. It is super yummy with bacon, and tiny dill pickles.

After that first night, Markham became obsessed with this meal. By the time we went over for a second Raclette dinner, Markham was a madman, talking all about how much he loved it. I loved it too, so I thought, what a perfect gift for Christmas!!!! Well, he had the same thought!

I was so so excited to give Markham his very own Raclette Grill. I used Dylan's ebay account and was so proud of myself for winning the bid, I got a GREAT deal!! I had it shipped to Dylan and Ashley so he would not suspect, and they brought it over all wrapped up "for Kaity." I was being so sneaky!! Meanwhile, Markham was busy with a scheme of his own, he shipped the one he bought to California.

Anyway, it was a surprise! And a year we won't forget, we have dubbed it,
"The Raclette Christmas."