Nov 26, 2007

Thank you to my Wonderful Husband

I have to publicly thank Markham for being the wonderful guy that he is. He willingly faced the insanity with me @ the Park City outlets at midnight for the After Thanksgiving Sales. He was not planning on going with me. A friend and I had planned to go together. He was very excited to stay home and feel good about it because I was going to have a girls' night out. When he discovered my friend couldn't make it, and before I even asked, he quietly changed from his sweats to jeans and piled on 2 sweatshirts and a jacket to go and brave the long lines with me. Not only that, but he waited patiently while I tried on and modeled so many jeans for him and then got the "keep" and "discard" piles so confused that I had to start all over again. He simply waited. Not one complaint. He even waited while I ventured into the Gap trap with everyone else in the state and waited in a line long enough to make a person cry. He helped me pick out cute little outfits for Kaitlyn @ Carter's and didn't even protest when I wanted to go to Famous Footwear. All of this with a miserable sore throat and runny nose!!! What did I do?! What did I do to deserve such a wonderful, patient, long-suffering guy like him?! I haven't a clue....... I love you Mard!!


Brooke said...

AWWWW!How sweet! I love Mard too! I am so glad that you have him! And thanks, Mard, for taking such good care of my beautiful cousin!

Lindsey said...

and the amazing husband of the year award goes to.....MARD!!!Someday I hope that my Husband ___________ is as amazing as your little mard!! hope you found good stuff!! can't wait to see you this weekend!

val said...


Amanda said...

Like I said earlier. Good husbands will make everything better.

Maj and Paj said...

It's a good thing our boy is taking good care of you!! We love you both!!