Her appetite has been substantial as of late. She eats just about everything we serve up these days. It has been quite a nice change.
Nov 30, 2007
My Little Vampire
Nov 26, 2007
Thanksgiving in Park City with the Carrolls

And sadly.... these are all the pics I took all week. Wow...I am ashamed. There were so many fun things going on that would have been fun to blog. We played the Wii almost constantly. We played Cranium, those would have been funny. We played cards and ate the entire time :) Just picture it!
Thank you to my Wonderful Husband
I have to publicly thank Markham for being the wonderful guy that he is. He willingly faced the insanity with me @ the Park City outlets at midnight for the After Thanksgiving Sales. He was not planning on going with me. A friend and I had planned to go together. He was very excited to stay home and feel good about it because I was going to have a girls' night out. When he discovered my friend couldn't make it, and before I even asked, he quietly changed from his sweats to jeans and piled on 2 sweatshirts and a jacket to go and brave the long lines with me. Not only that, but he waited patiently while I tried on and modeled so many jeans for him and then got the "keep" and "discard" piles so confused that I had to start all over again. He simply waited. Not one complaint. He even waited while I ventured into the Gap trap with everyone else in the state and waited in a line long enough to make a person cry. He helped me pick out cute little outfits for Kaitlyn @ Carter's and didn't even protest when I wanted to go to Famous Footwear. All of this with a miserable sore throat and runny nose!!! What did I do?! What did I do to deserve such a wonderful, patient, long-suffering guy like him?! I haven't a clue....... I love you Mard!!
Nov 19, 2007
Help Us Settle a Score
Nov 13, 2007
I realize it looks like she is eating glue.....yuck! But I was actually trying to get her to eat some brown rice and vegetables. She only has 2 teeth.....still!!! What the heck!!
Nov 6, 2007
Marshmallow Puff
We bought Kaitlyn a new coat recently. She likes it, but it is huge!! It is 18 months, but what the heck!! As soon as you get to 12 months- the next size is 18 months? Am I the only one who finds this ridiculous? We were going along so nicely at 3 month intervals. 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12....why not 12-15?! Seriously though. I guess we are just waiting on that growth spurt.