Feb 13, 2014

This Stage

14 months. This stage is not easy.

When we were contemplating have baby number 3, this stage was the stage I thought of with trepidation.

The destroying angel stage.

Note: This is a rant.

The stairs...Adelyn can't figure out how to go down them without help. I have tried and tried to help her learn how to do it. She just gets to the top and cries. All day.

She finds toilets utterly and completely magical. All she wants to do is play in the bathroom. Eeewww! Yesterday she flushed a little toy down. Not awesome. Thankfully we don't appear to have any problems with the plumbing. Jackson is very upset because he liked that toy, and because he was trying to use the toilet at the time.

The dog's water bowl, another mystifying thing she can't stay away from. I usually keep it off the floor, but when I notice said dog is so parched she is trying to capture every last drop of water on last night's bath toys, I think it's time to give this poor animal a drink. I attempt to do so and Addie is ready for a pool party.

Aghhh. This stage is tough.

Klennex boxes...she loves to empty them, at astonishing speed. I leave the room for 5 seconds and I come back and find this.

But, she's a doll and is so so funny. I know I always say I wish I could slow down time, the kiddos seem to grow right in front of my eyes. But I think I'd be ok if this stage didn't last.

1 comment:

Maj said...

Oh- she is such a cutie--even when she is causing trouble!!!