Feb 16, 2014

First Tooth

Little Kaity Pie finally was able to use this adorable pillow her Aunt Jen gave her. Her first tooth fell out on Thursday at dance class. It had been loose for a couple of weeks. She did not want to pull it out, so it got very very loose. While having a break in class, she was eating a fruit leather and at some point discovered she was bleeding and realized her tooth was gone.

Markham picked her up from dance on his way home from work. She came into the kitchen and gave me a cute little smile. "You lost your tooth!" I said. She immediately burst into tears and said,  "but I lost it." I almost started to cry too. She had been so excited. It was so sad. I sat with her on the kitchen floor and held her while she sobbed. "It was my first tooth, I wanted to see what it looked like." She was devastated.

Markham helped her search all over the studio before leaving but they couldn't find it. I offered to take her back and look some more. She decided it was a worth a try.

We looked and looked- but that little tooth was not there. I convinced her she must have swallowed it, and we drove home. I heard deep sighs and tears from the back. It broke my heart. When we got home I told her we could write a note to the tooth fairy and she would still leave some money.

We wrote a note and she did!! What a wonderful and understanding tooth fairy ;)

1 comment:

Maj said...

Well, that story gives a new meaning to "losing your first tooth!" Don't worry Kaity- you have 19 more baby teeth you can put under your pillow!! Love your toothless smile.