Oct 31, 2010

Halloween 2010!

We LOVE Halloween!! This year we added a new tradition.... maybe.  The Halloween Half in Provo. Markham, his brother Matt, Dylan and Ashley killed it! I am so proud of them. You might notice I'm not in the picture, that's because I won and was too busy getting awarded my 1st place medal.
I assume you know I'm kidding. I don't run 13.1 miles for fun. Not really my gig.
But I admire them for training so hard and finishing the race. Well done guys.
Miss Kaity was a butterfly this year, not to be confused with a fairy. She was very clear about that.
 I loved her wings, almost as much as she did.
The only spider I will ever love
All four of us is all our glory, even Roxy, she was a dog for Halloween.
Parker was batman!
One hot witch!
 Lil' Skeletor with Grandma
  Batman and the butterfly, BFF's forever.
 Ron Burgundy
 Hockey Fan and Grandpa
 Snow White and the cutest spider ever! I am so caught in his web.
We hope you all enjoyed Halloween too!!


Melissa Hernandez said...

what cute pictures, your kiddos are getting so big, so fun!

Maj and Paj said...

Spiders and butterflies- can't wait til you all fly or creepy crawl down to So Cal for Christmas!! looks like everyone had a great night!! So proud of our 1/2 marathoners!! Maj

Lindsey said...

awwww......seriously Jacks was hilarious in his costume!! ohhhh I might have called Kaity a fairy....oops...I hope she forgives her silly Aunt Lindsey! I am sad we couldn't stick around but we had fun with the Wittwers too....cant be everywhere at one right!?

Lindsey said...

Duh....I meant "everywhere at once"