Oct 1, 2010

1 man, 2 kiddos, 3 ladies and a baby

My brave, award-worthy parents invited me and the kiddos and my sister and her baby on an 800 mile road trip one way. Sounds totally insane doesn't it? Somehow the 800 miles coming home seemed a LOT longer.

Our poor husbands had to stay home and work, which was tough. Markham stayed busy though. I came home to some new shelves in the garage! I was really grateful he had the pup to keep him company. It was our longest separation...sniff, sniff.

Aside from missing the guys, we managed to have A LOT of fun! There were moments of distress, like in the car with all the kiddos melting down, but all things considered it was fantastic.  We spent a week in Sedona, AZ--a very beautiful and very unique place. Tons and tons of art. Statues, sculptures, paintings, etc. I am quite certain my vocabulary does not contain the appropriate words to accurately describe all said art. It just lines the streets. It's an experience.

 Jacks in his favorite place, his mommy's arms
My little poser

We spent A LOT of time at the pool!
Dinner for Monte's birthday!
Fun Souvenirs
Kaity is rubbing this javelina's nose for good luck...after a crazy rainstorm.
 Not a very good pic, I know. Kaity looks like a zombie.
Kaity and cousin Linc
We stopped in St. George for a few days on the way home. We love St. George. Here is cute little Linc just after a meal.  My son is in the background chewing on a shoe....seriously gross.
 When in doubt, drum it out. I didn't take a lot of toys, so the kiddos had to be creative entertaining themselves...when we weren't at the pool.
Pool time!!
 Jackson's first swimming lesson. 

He loved the water and would try and get away from me and then would just DIVE into the water.
 I would pull him out and he would smile and giggle and do it AGAIN!!
Yes, totally submerged! Again and again and again... a healthy fear of water would be nice.
He apparently likes soda, he must get that from Markham. wink, wink.
Cousin Brooke from Vegas came for a visit!
Kaity was excited to play with Carson.
   Jackson climbing the pool chairs....such a boy.
 Thanks for taking us on a super fun trip Mom and Monte!! It was great ;) We missed you Ash!!


Ashley said...

The Vacation looked awesome!! Jackson is such a little DareDevil!! Wow I cant believe he likes to go under the water so much! Love that boy. Parks and I should have been there. :( but it was nice to know that we were missed. :) There's always Next year!! Love you guys!

Melissa Hernandez said...

Looks like lots of fun! I don't think I would dare attempt 800 miles with my kids....2 hours to twin falls last weekend about did us all in,LOL!!!

Lindsey said...

Cute cute sister!! It was fun right! I love all the pics...Jacks is seriously crazy downing himself and all.