Jul 15, 2010

Smile Makers

Ok, so today I just wanted to document some of the things that make me smile, I was inspired by a fellow blogger. Because really, I consider this blog a journal/scrapbook. I so don't have time to sit down for an hour or more to work out one scrapbook page with 3 pictures on it. My goal is to get all my posts printed in a hardbound book for a keepsake....maybe several.

Anyway so here it goes...in no particular order...

  1. Jackson's warm, little chunky cheeks after a nap. They are slightly rosy and so fun to kiss.
  2. My level, because I hate hate hate crooked pictures. I go through my house at least monthly to make sure everything is still exactly right, and amazingly, they are crooked....again
  3. Summer evenings outside in the backyard with Markham and the kiddos. It is just perfect. Especially if Markham is working on a fresh batch of homemade ice cream.
  4. Enjoying Raclette with friends and family, so so fun.
  5. Hearing Kaitlyn say, " I love you a lot mommy"
  6. Getting a kiss on the cheek every morning when Markham leaves for work, while I am half asleep in the bed with one or both kiddos.
  7. Really crispy grapes, the kind that literally make a "pop" sound when you bite down
  8.  Diet Coke
  9. Being in Idaho with my family and being so so lazy that we end up watching an entire day of Cake Boss.
  10. Hot chocolate when it's cold outside or cold inside because of a crazy high a/c.
  11. Summer storms
  12. Fall leaves
  13. When Kaity and Jack play together
  14. A great pair of jeans
  15. Red Mango frozen yogurt. I could live on the stuff. Regular with Ghirardelli chips and raspberries.....serious yum
  16. Camp fires, without the camping and without the after smell.
  17. Waking up in the morning and finding Jackson peacefully sleeping between Markham and I....as long as it's not every morning.
  18. Markham's sense of humor
  19. A bubble bath and a great book
  20. Handbags and shoes
  21. A pedicure with one of my favorite girls
  22. The living room, so that surprise guests don't see the embarrassing state of the rest of the house
  23. An uninterrupted nap
  24.  Bath & Body Works
  25. Our pathetic little garden
  26. Playing games and eating snacks
  27. Hearing the garage open when Markham is home.
  28. and last but certainly not least, going to Church on Sunday with Markham and the kiddos. I am so grateful for the gospel and the peace & comfort it brings to my life.


val said...

great list! red mango-yes! total yum. we should get our kiddies together sometime...

Yadira said...

What a great list, I am going to do one too and post it on my blog. What a great idea. I love the Cake Boss and Bath and Body works. We have alot of things in common.

Heidi said...

Fun stuff! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with the crooked picture problem. I'm very anal about it. Ryan goes through the house tipping the corners on our pictures to see if I'll notice. Urg!

Ashley said...

I love this List! Its totally April!! And yes on the red mango.... I want one so bad. We have to go when I get home. Promise?

CottleCrew said...

Your list made me smile, so it must be a great list!! I love the Cake Boss too and LOVE the pictures of your cute kids . . .even if I don't comment very often!

Melissa Hernandez said...

I loved this list, I need to sit down and do something like this myself, it's so easy to get caught up in mommy mode and forget to sit down and jot down what we are thankful for! Loved this post!

Linnell/Mom said...

Nothing was a big surprise - except the camping - I thought you loved camping!!!! (hehehe) I'm afraid I raised you that way! Looking forward to seeing you guys in Logan for Lincoln's blessing!! Love you all!