Jul 15, 2010

Jack's New Skill Set...

My little boy is a crawling and climbing machine! Yesterday I caught him hanging from the blinds!! Thank goodness they didn't rip out of the wall, I guess they are safe for 23+ lbs.

 He has been climbing the stairs at an alarming rate. I just fear that he will topple backward and bang his sweet little bald head all the way down. We have so many stairs in this house. It is serious stress! Just how many gates should I be expected to jump over all day?
This is the scary part. I mean shouldn't this view give him some pause?? Nope.... He was ready to launch right down.

I think if I manage to spare him from falling down the stairs I so deserve a Red Mango.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Its just so crazy that he is crawling!! I need to see this Monkey. He is just growing up too fast! I love that we are all having kids and they are growing up so they can play together. He is so cute!!
Love you guys!