May 22, 2010

First Flu Bug and Front Teeth

My poor little guy has been battling a nasty stomach flu bug since Tuesday--featuring all the awfulness you can imagine. On top of that he is cutting his top 2 teeth! It has been so miserable for him. I am so freaked out about him getting dehydrated. I have been very diligent with Pedialyte, but at the rate he is throwing up, and... you know, I am having serious trouble keeping up. It is so sad. The nasty stuff claimed all of us in one form or another but has seemed to hit Jack the hardest and longest.
This little face just breaks my heart. I spend a lot of time cuddling him, consequently our house is a total and complete wreck. Some things are just more important.
Kaitlyn is an awesome big sister, she spends a lot of time trying to keep him happy. Even to the sacrifice of her own health. I am just praying this will be over soon.
My washing machine is my very favorite possession as of late and has been getting very regular constant use. I think I have used more bleach this week than I have my whole life.


Brooke said...

So very sorry cousin! Looks like a pretty miserable time :( There is nothing worse than a baby with the flu! Thinking about you guys. Love you!

Jed and Rebecca said...

As sad as that is the pictures of him cuddling are so adorable. I hope he gets feeling better soon.