Feb 13, 2008

Unwelcomed Visitor

The Flu Bug has come for a visit I am afraid. The first signs came pretty innocently and Kaity didn't seem to be too bothered by it, so I figured it was something she ate........it so wasn't. We are at day 3 of all the nastiness the flu brings. I'm not going to go into specifics, I trust you know what I mean. I am particulary grateful that I am obsessed with buying her pajamas, she has more than 7 pairs, and for my washing machine, because she has gone through all of them in 3 days.


Melissa Hernandez said...

Oh I'm so sorry she got the flu! That's no fun! Hopefully she gets feeling better, and hopefully you get a break from doing laundry!

Lindsey said...

ohh my little bean!! that is aweful!! i am crying inside! kiss her barf covered cheeks for me!

Brooke said...

Poor thing! So sad! I hate it! :( Keep her hydrated so you don't spend 3 days in the hospital with her over the stinkin flu like we had too! I will be thinking about you!