Feb 8, 2008

Lost Fans?! Get me off the Island!

Honestly, I am already tired of the ridiculous, disjointed and pointless episodes I have seen thus far this season. I was so excited for Lost to finally air again after a absurdly long hiatus, having nothing to do with the writers' strike. When all the shows were premiering in September, where's Lost?? Oh don't worry, it will be on in February....What?!

Teasers for the 2-hour season premiere were splashed all over yahoo and the like for weeks. And what did the 2-hour premiere have in store? ....Well the first hour was a re-cap of the entire show since the beginning. Complete waste. Nice if you are tuning in for your first time, not cool if you have been a pathetically loyal fan since inception. Disappointing. Very much Disappointing. On top of that, every episode seems to be a Pandora’s box, of which you look forward to learning more about next week, but all you get is just another Pandora’s box and still no answers.

And these preposterous "tell all" teasers just have to stop. It is getting really ridiculous...... Just tell us one!!! I am going to barf! The first 2 seasons were so great!! Loved 'em! Since then, downhill. During Season 3 Markham got so mad he literally went on a Lost strike and refused to watch it anymore. It was then when you were lucky if it wasn't a re-run or yet another re-cap. And I fear that the beginning of season four has me feeling despondent......sigh


Doug and Marilyn said...

AMEN sista! I feel the same way and I feel just as pathetic. I'm hating LOST but still waste my hour every week watching, waiting and hoping...only to realize I was right and shouldn't have watched it. AHHHH!!!

The Tressler Adventures said...

You said it! I have realized that I can't believe anything they show as a preview because it probably won't happen until the very last episode of the series. Being a t.v. junkie I am just so desperate to watch something that isn't a rerun, even if it is lame. I wish the writters strike was over.

val said...

I'm just mad cause Charlie died! I hope we get some answers soon too. It's been such a fun show...but I'm afraid we're going to be disappointed from here on out. Boo Hoo.

Lindsey said...

as long as my boyfriend Sawyer stays alive, I am hooked. I must admit, my weeks still revolve around thursday nights....i am frustrated but so into at the same time!! maybe we should watch them together so i can hold you and make you feel better:) you fools are the reason i became addicted by the way...and through you, my poor family and friends have all become addicts as well. Just wanted you to know what an impact you can have on the lives of other Lost People.....
Pony and Sawyer forever.....:)

Kelli and Chad said...

So Chad and I just started watching lost. We finished the first season in like a week. We are like 4 episodes into the 2nd season. I love it so far, but I already have tons of questions, I know it is only going to get worse. I am dreading the episode when Charlie dies, I really like him. And Jack is so hot, really hot. I have to be careful about how many comments i make around Chad. I could get a little carried away. So maybe we will just stop after season two huh?

april said...

Kelli- Ha Ha. I think Jack is yummy too. I too have to watch what I say. I loved season 1 and 2 so so much. Sadly, we planned our week around it. But sesaon 4 has much to be desired. We will see.