Feb 13, 2008


Kaity had a little friend over to play the other day. Amanda, his ambitious mother, is studying for the Bar Exam so I watched him for a couple of hours.They had a lot of fun together. His name is Silvester and he is half her age, but her same size! Needless to say, he can hold his own around her.I imagine she is showing him her most prized toy. She also demonstrates how it works.Here they are rehearsing the roles they may play as adults. The man sittin' back relaxing while the woman vacuums the house! Talk about gender roles! But in all seriousness, I am certain Amanda will raise her little guy to help around the house.
Kaitlyn shared more than her toys with Silvester that day. She also shared.....the flu bug! I'm so sorry Amanda!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

This is exactly why I am a germ FREAK!!!!!