Feb 29, 2008


We have just learned today that Markham has passed the financial section of the CPA Exam!!!!!! We are still waiting on the results for the other one he has taken and he still has 2 more to take. What a struggle!!! But I know he can do it!!! One quarter done!!!! Progress!!!! We are going out to celebrate!

Thanks for your votes!

I am happy to report I have won our most recent bet. I pronouce crayon like "cray-on" and Markham pronouces it "cran." It is so funny after being married for 3 and 1/2 years to learn this!! Thanks for helping us settle the score! It was really close though, which surprised me.

Feb 16, 2008

Tax Season Rx

Tax Season is so brutal. I am really not looking forward to being a single mom for 2 months. It is super tough on Markham too. He is like the walking dead. He likes to have some treats at work to help him through it. I decided to write him some prescrips. For Chronic Stress- 16 oz of Skittles. For Exhaustion- 16 oz. Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bears. For Blurred Vision and Headaches- 16 oz of Toblerone. For Anxiety- 16 oz of Peanut Butter M&M's.
Thanks for working so hard Markham!! Kaity and I love you!!

Wonderful Husband part 2

I hope you all had a fantastic Valentines Day! We had kind of an awful one because we all were sick. It was pretty miserable. However, Markham didn't let me down. About a week ago, I was shopping at the Gateway with my sister-in-law Ashley. I fell in love with a zip-up hoodie that I really wanted to buy, but decided not to because I wanted to get Markham something for Valentines Day. It was super hard to leave it there! When I got home, I told him about it and he said, "You should have bought it!!

Well, I forgot about it. Little did I know, Markham called Ashley to find out more about this coveted item! After work a few days ago, he rushed down to the Gateway and bought it for me!!! Thanks Mard!! I love you!!!

Feb 13, 2008

Unwelcomed Visitor

The Flu Bug has come for a visit I am afraid. The first signs came pretty innocently and Kaity didn't seem to be too bothered by it, so I figured it was something she ate........it so wasn't. We are at day 3 of all the nastiness the flu brings. I'm not going to go into specifics, I trust you know what I mean. I am particulary grateful that I am obsessed with buying her pajamas, she has more than 7 pairs, and for my washing machine, because she has gone through all of them in 3 days.


Kaity had a little friend over to play the other day. Amanda, his ambitious mother, is studying for the Bar Exam so I watched him for a couple of hours.They had a lot of fun together. His name is Silvester and he is half her age, but her same size! Needless to say, he can hold his own around her.I imagine she is showing him her most prized toy. She also demonstrates how it works.Here they are rehearsing the roles they may play as adults. The man sittin' back relaxing while the woman vacuums the house! Talk about gender roles! But in all seriousness, I am certain Amanda will raise her little guy to help around the house.
Kaitlyn shared more than her toys with Silvester that day. She also shared.....the flu bug! I'm so sorry Amanda!

Feb 8, 2008

Lost Fans?! Get me off the Island!

Honestly, I am already tired of the ridiculous, disjointed and pointless episodes I have seen thus far this season. I was so excited for Lost to finally air again after a absurdly long hiatus, having nothing to do with the writers' strike. When all the shows were premiering in September, where's Lost?? Oh don't worry, it will be on in February....What?!

Teasers for the 2-hour season premiere were splashed all over yahoo and the like for weeks. And what did the 2-hour premiere have in store? ....Well the first hour was a re-cap of the entire show since the beginning. Complete waste. Nice if you are tuning in for your first time, not cool if you have been a pathetically loyal fan since inception. Disappointing. Very much Disappointing. On top of that, every episode seems to be a Pandora’s box, of which you look forward to learning more about next week, but all you get is just another Pandora’s box and still no answers.

And these preposterous "tell all" teasers just have to stop. It is getting really ridiculous...... Just tell us one!!! I am going to barf! The first 2 seasons were so great!! Loved 'em! Since then, downhill. During Season 3 Markham got so mad he literally went on a Lost strike and refused to watch it anymore. It was then when you were lucky if it wasn't a re-run or yet another re-cap. And I fear that the beginning of season four has me feeling despondent......sigh