Oct 27, 2007

A Night Away

We spent a night in Sun Valley for our Anniversary. It was absolutely fabulous. The fall colors were breathtaking! Love it Love it Love it. A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to my parents for taking Kaitlyn for us. It is amazing how much you appreciate going to a dinner and a movie alone, not to mention getting to sleep in!! We don't get the chance very often. It was just AWESOME! Thanks again!!


Lindsey said...

i am so glad you had such a splendid time!! miss you guys

Brooke said...

Grandparents are awesome. Isn't it sad that you don't properly appreciate being alone, just the two of you, until you never are?

val said...

What a fun anniversary. Beautiful pictures too. I love being able to keep updated on your life! How fun to get roses too! Good job Markham.