Dec 12, 2015

Recital and Birthday Dinner

Grandma and Grandpa came to watch Kaity dance in her winter recital and to celebrate Addie's birthday. We had a lot of fun! 

After the recital we went to Texas Roadhouse. One of our all times favs. Addie was a sport and sat on the saddle while they sang her a loud and proud happy birthday! Hee Haw!!

 Ice cream to follow!!


Matt and Tracy said...

I still read your blog ALL THE TIME! Thanks for continuing to post on it, I LOVE IT!!! I cannot believe how big your kids are getting. The kids and I will be in Utah for a few days in June!!! Can't wait to see you and the family!
Can you post a video of her dance recital?

april said...

Oh my heck!!! So good to hear from you!!! We think about you guys all the time! Markham is super excited to snowboard with Matt in a couple weeks :) it will be so fun to catch up with you in June!!! Hooray!