Sep 30, 2015

September in pictures

I was so busy this month and didn't blog like I wanted to. So I thought I would just post some favorite moments. 

Markham's idea of a protein bar. A brownie with a smear of peanut butter on top. It made me giggle.
 Fun times with the Larsens
 Soccer practice every Wednesday, Games every Saturday. Dad's the coach!
Jackson loves soccer this year and is doing great!

Morning walks with Addie while Jackson and Kaitlyn are at school. I am loving my new shoes!!
 Costco on Mondays. Pizza and ice cream after. 
 Shopping at one of our favs- Nordstrom Rack. Addie loves shoes like her Mom
 Lavor Day in Idaho with my family. Homemade Cinnamon Rolls to die for.
The Binkie Fairy came!! She took all of Addie's binkies and left her an Anna and Elsa Doll and her very own Frozen backpack and coloring book. That binkie fairy knows her stuff ;)
 Look at that!! Scones are a piece of heaven for sure. Breakfast at Sill's Cafe.
Getting ready for Halloween!!  
So excited!! We ♥ Halloween!!
 Addie is just like her mom and loves having her nails polished
Look at this beauty I made with my girlfriends. I ♥ it!
Our favorite quote from the new Cinderella.
 Other fun projects...
 Double sided fall decor
 Adorable kids and a perfect pumkin
Jackson picked this pumpkin out from the patch on his field trip. He did an awesome job.
 Having fun with bubbles
 Wednesday is our Fiiz Day!!
Last but not least!! Our girl getaway!! My mom, sister and I had a ton of fun for 2 nights in SLC. Highlights: Shopping the outlets in Park City, enjoying Ruth's Diner, Cheesecake Factory, the Little America Brunch. Giggling into wee hours of the night and sleeping in!!! Gotta love that!

September was good  ♥


Erin said...

So fun! You are one busy girl!!

Maj said...

I need Doug to lose more weight so we can celebrate by going to Sill's! Keep that treadmill going Hun. Fun fall decor, I especially like the advice from the pumpkin.