Sep 1, 2015

New SChooL YeAR!!

 The kiddos were so very excited for school to start. Especially Jackson. My oh my was he ready!

Kaitlyn in her new classroom. What a cutie. Addie wanted to stay at school too. 
The first day for Jackson was Kindergarten orientation so it wasn't really his first official day yet. He was bummed. 

Kindergarten testing the next day. 
 This was his official first day. He was so exited!!!
 Can't hardly wait to get in there!
 Cute friends, Addison and Sadie. I  really ♥ their moms. 
 Jackson's good friend, Quin. They went to preschool together last year. 
As I walked away and left him there I fought back tears. He's been my little buddy. I have really enjoyed having him home with me. At least it's only half day.

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