Jun 12, 2013

The first fruits, park city and late night randomness

It is so late now and I should be sleeping, but I find it so hard to sleep at night. No meals to make, no dishes to do, no bums to wipe, no errands to run. It is kind of nice, like a min-vacation with myself. It's awesome until the flipside when Jack's little face is staring at me wanting "breakfuss." Mornings are rough. It seems like sleep never feels as good as it does when you have to get up... But anyway.

Our little garden is growing despite my poor care! The strawberries are totally awesome! There are so many, a little shocking considering how it started- We waited too long to buy our plants last year, there was nothing left. Kaity fell in love with the last, shriveled, brown strawberry plant they had. It was clear why it was still there. It did not look good. I had no hope for it. It did nothing last summer, but out of the ground it has sprung!! Truly miraculous in my book.
Yes it is bright, sunny and hot and Jack is wearing his spider-man outfit. It's all good.

We had a fun weekend with Markham's parents, aunt, uncle and cousin in Park City. I have one blurry out of focus picture to show for it. Not very awesome. Since I have lost my camera battery charger I have been using my phone, which is super convenient but not great quality... at all, but I am going with it for now. So that is that.

Markham's mom is so great with the kiddos. She let them "help" her make brownies. They loved it. Please note:  Kaitlyn's favorite show of late is Food Network Star.
 We were spoiled with yummy food and fun times. The kids went swimming with Grandpa and blew bubbles off the deck. We played games and laughed. Jackson managed to break the light dimmer dial and then immediately after closed the door and caused the decorative piece that fits over the top of the blinds to crash to the floor. He said, "This is getting awkward." Oh my little son cracks us up. At bedtime, we left the window in their room open. Kaitlyn was concerned about a stranger climbing up. Markham said it was too high and no one could climb up. Jackson said, "What about Wreck it Ralph dad? Wreck it Ralph can climb buildings." Markham managed to reply, "That's right Jackson but he's a good guy. Go to sleep" and then we busted up outside their room.  Aah, Good times... Markham's dad took some family pics of us. I think they turned out great. I will post those soon.
 I just can't have enough pictures of these cuties. They change so fast, almost before my eyes. 

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