Feb 29, 2012

Jackson's Antics

Jackson is so chuck-full of personality that he cracks us both up daily. Funny things I had to document.

He really hates it when I try to hold his hand in the parking lot, he says, "No, Momma! That hurts!" in a really convincing tone. I promise... it's not hurting him.

In the bathtub while I am washing him, he says "Momma, not my eyes!"

Yesterday in the car, "Jackson said "faster mom, go faster!"

The scouts were at our house last Saturday after a service project eating donuts. Jackson was telling them all about "his" ipod. "It's my ipod, I bought it"

Our binkie battle is waging on, last night he was holding a baby doll and said, "Baby is sad!"  I asked him why baby was sad. He replied, "Baby wants my binkie."

While watching Wall-E, he said, "Wall-E is tough. He's my boy."

In Sacrament Meeting he "sings" the hymns loud and proud.

This morning at breakfast he ate two pieces of toast and a banana. He was almost done and was smashing his toast into an airplane. I asked, "Are you going to eat it or play with it?" He said "Play with it."
He wanted his baby and woody in the picture with him. He originally had them totally covering his face, luckily I got one with his face too. I tried to take another one and he said "I'm tired." So that's that.


Four Marrs and One Venus said...

Jacks! I love you!!!! You are all boy and such a big boy now by the sounds of it! :) So cute April, love this so much! My Favorite...the banana smashing. Love you all!

The Marchant's said...

Why is he so big?! Miss you- let's do lunch!