Oct 31, 2011

Halloween Fun

I just love Halloween. The dressing up, the decorations, the trick-or-treating, all of it. Kaity didn't have preschool or dance class so we decided to go to Logan and play with cousins.

We went to Lee's Marketplace first. They had stuff for little trick-or-treaters all over the store. It was super cute. They even had a mini spook alley in the backroom.  Me and the kiddos braved it together.
 Kaity painted a pumpkin at Aunt Lindsey's house.
 After lunch we headed to the Wittier Center for their Halloween Carnival.
We drove back home, had dinner with friends and took the kiddos trick-or-treating.. All of us all decked out, of course. Our neighborhood is so fabulous. It was a spook alley in itself! A lot of festive people go all out. It makes it fun.
 This is the wig I bought for Kaity. She would only wear it long enough for me to snap this picture.
Markham was so hot this year!!


Annie said...

love all your costumes! looks like you had a GREAT halloween!

Melissa Hernandez said...

LOVE all the costumes. Your kids are getting so big, you have such an adorable family!

mikeandang said...

Wow. He is looking pretty hot!