Nov 5, 2011

First Snow

We got the first snow of the season last night. When Kaitlyn let the dog out this morning to do her business, she yelled,  "MOM, you GOTTA see THIS!" She was pretty excited. The next sentence out of her mouth was, "Daddy, can we build a snowman?" 
 Playing hard...
 I love fall leaves....wish they could stay longer
 Snowball fight with the neighbor boys
 Apparently the sun was in their eyes so this squinty pic was the best of the bunch
 Jackson didn't mind getting wet. He was a frozen little popsicle when he came in.
One happy little girl
 The swing was as exciting as a brand new toy with snow underneath it!
The kiddos came in, sipped hot chocolate and watched a movie together all cuddled up with their pillows and blankets. Isn't being a kid great?!


Kelli and Chad said...

So fun! My kids would be so jelous that your kids have snow to play in already. Weren't we just in Burley in our swimsuits?? Time sure does fly!

The Marchant's said...

Ahhhh. I love fires and hot chocolate and cold, snowy outside. Magic. (and it was my birthday! perfect)