Jul 8, 2011

oH SUmMeR!

Summer fun is in full swing on our block. Kaity plays the day away with her cute little friends in the pool, in the sprinklers, on the swing set and on the tramp. It's so nice to have such awesome neighbors. Right now they are pretending they are pioneers, washing their hair in the pool. Bath time will be much needed tonight. They have not a care in the world. I am jealous. Why did we want to grow up so fast? Watching them play in the sun makes me think there is nothing better than being a kid. Jackson would be out there too but he's enjoying a peaceful slumber. Wouldn't that be nice?
These are the pictures I will stare at during the dead of winter.  Why can't summer last longer? I would support a half year of fall and a half year of summer. We can skip spring and winter.


Kim said...

I love that they are pretending to be pioneers :)

Four Marrs and One Venus said...

So much fun being a kid. not a care in the world... just hanging out with your pals. Cute photos! Sooo looking forward to seeing you all soon! Love ya!

The Marchant's said...

I want to be a kid again. So beautiful!