Aug 1, 2009

Nine Days Later....

Well Jackson is 9 days old and is such a good little baby. He nurses like a champ, is gaining weight well, hardly ever makes a peep, and sleeps like an angel (even at night.) If they were all like him I would have 5 more. When he gets hungry he starts sucking his thumb to send me a clue. Like I said, he doesn't ever get too upset. He is a very patient and good-natured boy, he gets that from his dad.

He is content to just relax anywhere I put him, he gets that from me.
Kaitlyn used to pull this same exact face! She looked a lot like him when she was a baby.

Markham and Jackson catch a nap together whenever they get a chance.

Kaitlyn has been taking it all very well. She is an awesome big sister and helper. She always wants to hold and kiss him. The first thing she asks in the morning is "where is baby Jackson?"
....Life is pretty awesome.


CottleCrew said...

So cute!! Congrats again!!

Brooke said...

so fun! he is so cute! I can't wait to meet him! Love you guys!

Bekah Condie said...

Congratulations, he is just perfect! I love the daddy and baby moments. We need to bring you guys dinner or something.

sunny said...

He is soooo cute! We can hardly wait to meet him. What an angel!

Ashley said...

What a cute little post. That little Jackson is so cute and reminds me a little of Parks in the pic where he is sucking his thumb. Katie looks so cute in her new shirt from Grandma!! And that smile is so grown up. Our kids are getting older and it makes me a little sad and a lot excited to see where and what they will all be doing in just a few years!!

You have cute kids Carrolls!!

Love you Guys!!!