Jul 24, 2009

Announcing Jackson!!

We are happy to announce Jackson has arrived!! He was born July 23rd @ 7:51pm. He weighs 7 lbs 12 oz and is 20 inches long. Labor and delivery was smooth and both Mom and Baby are doing well!

The birth story: I was scheduled to be induced on July 23rd, which was only 3 days early. I was so nervous that I would go into labor early. Markham had been out of town A LOT. First to Minnesota for a client, then to Bear Lake for a work retreat. I was alone and really freaked out, especially at night. Every time I had to get up to pee, which was a ton of times, I was afraid my water would break and put me into immediate labor. I prayed and prayed that Jackson would wait until his Daddy was home. I am so grateful those prayers were answered.

I was supposed to report to the hospital at 6am on the 23rd. My mom had come up, as well as my sister, Lindsey. Mom was planning on being there for the birth, as well as my sis-in-law, Ashley. Lindsey was very nice to stay home with Kaitlyn- she'd seen it all before when I had Kaity.

Needless to say, I didn't get very much sleep the night before. I got up at 5am and took a shower. After I was dressed and ready to go I realized I had missed a call from the hospital. I was super bummed because I knew what that meant. I called and sure enough, the nurse said they didn't have any room right then and that they would call me later to let me know when I could come. WOW...that was tough. We all tried to go back to bed and get some sleep, and I think everyone was successful except me. I was just too excited!!

Finally at about 1:15pm, I received a call to report to the hospital. About an hour later, Markham and I were all checked in. I changed into one of those lovely, open in the back hospital gowns and was ready to endure whatever I had to for my baby boy to get here. They broke my water right away, which is a crazy sensation! I was dilated to a 3. I made sure everyone knew I wanted an epidural stat, I had absolutely zero interest in being a hero and going through child birth without meds....that is just nuts. It was about an hour later that I got one. My contractions were getting stronger and I had a killer headache. It was yucky. But after about 20 minutes, I was feeling pretty good. I was progressing quickly and before long, about 7:30pm, Dr. Hurst came in and I started to push. It only took pushing through 3 contractions and my sweet little boy was here. Only 6 hours from when we had checked in!! The doctor immediately put him on my chest and I was in love immediately. What a miracle!! Markham cut the cord and they took him to get him cleaned off and to check his vitals.

After all was well, they gave him back to me all swaddled up. I held him close and kissed his little head. There is nothing like holding your newborn baby for the first time. He nursed right away, he was hungry! I was relieved that he knew what he was doing, Kaity and I had NO clue what we were doing when she was a newborn.

My little boy was finally here! It was awesome.


Brooke said...

So glad he is here safe and sound! Can't wait to meet him! Love you guys!

val said...

yeah, he's here. congratulations to your family. i can't believe it's time to do the whole newborn thing again...time flies. it seems we just had our little girls.

Melissa Hernandez said...

Congrat's, and I am glad things went smoothly! Get lots of cuddles in, the second baby grows up quicker than the first!

Kelli and Chad said...

Yay!! My mom sent me a text of you and Jackson this moring. He is so adorable, and I am glad everything went well. April you look entirely too good for just having a baby!!

Matt and Tracy said...

Congrats! Jackson is just beautiful! Glad to hear labor and delivery went smoothly! Can't wait to see more pics!

Doug and Marilyn said...

Congrats! I'm so glad he made and everything went so well. You look great and he is just so cute!

anniejoneslarsen said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful, so glad that labor and delivery went well!

CottleCrew said...

Congrats April and Markham. I "broke into" your blog from Alyssa's. You guys look great!! Talk to you soon, Alicia :)

Lindsey said...

IT IS ABOUT TIME!! Can't wait to come up and hold you!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Annie said...

Congrats! So glad that he is here and you are done being pregnant! What a cute little face! It's weird, he weighs about a pound more than my little boys and they are a whole month older than him! congrats again to you guys! Hope you are enjoying Markham being home, it's going to end soon :-)

Brown said...


Congratulation on your beautiful baby boy! I'm so happy that all went well.

Darrington Family said...

April! Congratulations! He's beautiful! So glad all went well! I LOVE your nursery....way cute!

Kim said...

Congratulations, it's so fun that our babies were born on the same day! And now we both have a Kaitlyn. Jackson looks so sweet.