Jul 4, 2007

What is Geocaching?!

So...Markham's parents introduced us to this crazy sport. It is a lot of fun. The one thing you need to have to be a cacher phenom is a GPS system. You program in coordinates of a hidden cache (which you find on geocaching.com), and the hunt is on!! This particular cache was a 3 parter. Here is Markham finding the first one!! Got it!!!

Here is the "cache" They can be a variety of sizes and types. They are basically empty canisters filled with little trinkets (aka junk) and most importantly a little sign in sheet so you can sign your name.

This cache was unique because inside was the coordinates to another cache. So we programmed it into out little GPS and off we went.

Markham is leading the way.........to be continued.


Matt and Tracy said...

That looks like so much fun!

Annie said...

That sounds interesting...you'll have to explain it to me. But it looks like fun.

Lindsey said...

What a nerdy little game!! Sounds like fun! I miss you guys and see you soon!! kiss the bean for me!!

Unknown said...

Finally got a chance to view all the great pictures of you and yours. I miss you so much. This is a great way to be in touch. Love you.