Aug 10, 2016

Summer at the Treehouse

We spent quite a few afternoons at the Treehouse Children's Museum this summer. We met my sister there and the kiddos had a ball running around together.
Jackson and Lincoln are both quite obsessed with dinosaurs.
9 times out of ten Lincoln is a t-rex and Jackson is a raptor.  
 The girls headed to a magical destination on the train.
 Kaitlyn especially loved playing in the diner.
We made so many precious trinkets at the Art Garden
They all were totally enchanted by the circus room.
 They loved the "Partica-plays" This time they were baby owls and Kaity was the momma.
Pretty cute.
 Riding the bulls at the rodeo! Addie makes a perfect Rodeo Queen.
 Pretending to be a Knight.
We had so much fun!!
After we played we usually went to Costco and ate pizza and ice cream before we shopped.

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