Jun 30, 2016

The day we got our ears pierced

Addie asked me if she could wear a set of my earrings. I said she couldn't because her ears weren't pierced. She was very disappointed and then she said, "Can I get my ears plugged?"

That made me giggle. "Are you sure? It will hurt a little." I told her.
 I pinched her ear to try to give her an idea of how it might feel.

She was undaunted. What a tough cookie.

I called Markham and he met us at Claire's @ Station Park. Not far from his office.
 It was a sweet moment. She wanted to sit on Daddy's lap.

 After watching Addie, Kaitlyn decided she wanted her ears pierced too. She had been too nervous and scared beforehand.
 It was done in a snap and no big deal!
 Cuties for sure!

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