Mar 22, 2015

Time out for Women!!

A few of my favorite girls and I spent the weekend in Idaho Falls at "Time out for Women." 
Yes, it was just in Layton last month but how could we justify an overnight stay? By driving 3 hours!!
 It was so so so fun, uplifting, powerful and just fabulous!! 

 We attended the conference, shopped, went out to eat, stayed up way way late, laughed, cried, ate an incredible amount of chocolate and were just silly. Cassie and I talked with a British accent practically the entire time. Oh we had a fabulous time darling!!
A few of my favorite messages--

D &C 11:12 Put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good"
We always make "To Do" Lists, try making a "To Be" List.
An Instrument in the Lord's hands' is an Angel- Be someone's angel.
3 Nephi 18;24 "Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up
Being a disciple of Christ means being a student and an apprentice- it requires action = serving others.
Worshipping Christ is transformative. We Become like Him.
Speak up for what is good and right.
Increase your tolerance for uncertainly: Choose to Believe

Thanks girls for a truly wonderful time!!
xoxo April


Erin said...

So So SO so fun! I loved every minute of it! Sorry I was a party pooper and passed out long before the fun was over!

Maj said...

The word "become" has long been a favorite of mine. I love the idea of the " to Be" list. Thanks for sharing!