Oct 29, 2014

Happy 8th Kaity Pie!!

Our little Kaitlyn is 8 years old. My oh my. 8 is a big deal so we kind of went all out. 
She wanted to go ice skating and have Fiiz afterwards. It was good times, this little group of girlies are cuties. 
First it was pizza at our house, somehow I didn't get any pictures of that part. Maybe because it was mayhem. Happy mayhem but all the same. 
Afterwards we loaded up all the chickadees and drove them to the ice rink. 
They all traded their shoes in for skates. 
In this moment, they all needed help. Little soft voices all asking. I wondered how Jon and Kate did it. really. I watched the show but still. What the heck. 
 Good thing I had this guy who is kinda a big deal on hockey skates. Without his mad skills this party would not have been. And he's pretty cute too. Bonus.
 Oh Kenz, we miss you being next door. 
 After a couple of hours and quite a few frozen fingers and achy ankles we headed over to Fiiz. Each girl had  a drink of her choice and a sugar cookie. Can you say sugar rush?? I kept hearing that creeping voice from candy crush in my head..."Delicious!"
 Madden and Jackson. Little heart breakers for sure.
 The birthday girl! Her choice: bubblegum. 
 Her bffs
 sweet moments
 The Larsens met us at the rink and joined us for the day. After the party we spent the rest of the day playing games with them. One of our favorite pastimes. 
It was a lot of fun. I know parties like this with my little girl are numbered. I cherished this one.  
Happy Birthday Kaitlyn! We love you ♥

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