Sep 24, 2014

A day in the life

Today after Jackson went to preschool, me and Adelyn headed to Costco. Oh how that store is dangerous. I could easily lay waste to our budget in one trip. I just love to stock up. It is a little frightening and I have to practice great restraint in my shopping trips there. We usually go together so he can talk me down when I want to buy a new piece of furniture, a Blendtec, new electronics or a lifetime supply of Oral B toothbrush heads, aside from the necessities that already end up being a small fortune.  Ugh. Today was tough.  But I was strong.

On the way home we picked up Jackson and his carpool buddy from preschool. They were excited and full of bright smiles. They wanted to give me all the details of their circus day and all the fun they had. Miss Heather is the best. 

We came home and had a quick lunch. Jackson wanted Honey-Nut Cheerios and normally I would say absolutely not- but today I decided what the heck. They both had Cheerios. I had leftovers form last night, a chocolate mini doughnut and a few crackers and then half a skinny cow! Feeling gross. I am craving junk and chocolate and have a killer headache.  Awesome. I know what that means. A fun week is coming up. 
Little Addie has such a funny personality. She is expressing herself more and more. She is a strong willed little girl and knows what she wants. Sometimes it is difficult to manage. She loves shoes, especially ones that don't belong to her, like Dad's. She loves everything about her Dad. I can't blame her for that. 

I suppose I should throw a load of laundry in, mop the kitchen floor or do something like that. Maybe I will just cuddle Jackson while he watchers Word World on PBS. Yeah that sounds better. I got this headache anyway. 

Sep 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Papa!

We headed up to my parents house for the weekend to celebrate Monte's birthday.  We went out for a delicious dinner Saturday night. We dined outside. My oh my, how I love fall.
The kiddos were so excited. We made him a cake and put cars on top, it was Jackson's idea. He said, "We should make Papa a car cake, he loves cars!!"  It turned out pretty cute and pretty dang yummy too.
Helping to blow out the candles
It was a fun trip!!

Sep 15, 2014

Girls Weekend!

My favorite gals and I spent a marvelous weekend together in downtown Salt Lake. We had a ridiculously fantastic time. Especially compared to our last trip when Lindsey and mom were vomiting all weekend. I wish I was kidding.
The stats:
3 ladies
1 room
2 nights
4 Restaurants
6 cups of hot chocolate
3 malls
16 shopping bags
countless laughing fits
0 kids
All my pictures are of us at restaurants. It was the only time I really thought about taking a picture. 
 Ruth's Diner in Emigration Canyon. Wonderful
 The Garden atop the Joseph Smith Memorial. 
The view from the top. Breathtaking. It doesn't matter how many times I see this temple, I am awed by the beauty, the architecture and what it represents. It always gives me pause.
 I can't wait until next year

Sep 10, 2014

photo dump

I need to get these cute pictures posted before I don't. So just a few random pics here. 
We are super excited to have a new pool  close!! Hooray! The kiddos had swimming lessons in August before school started.
Adelyn apparently thought it was gymnastics class instead
My little fish
Addie passed the time by playing in the shallows
What a cute little man! On his first day of preschool.
It wore him out!
Enjoying one of last popsicles of the season