Jul 30, 2014


Uh that is a SKUNK.... in my backyard!!!

We have always loved living against a field. I love the peace and privacy. Today I had my doubts.This is a total bummer. I ventured out there and made some noise and such, but the little stinker did not even flinch. I then started to throw soccer balls at it from a distance. It was not really too bothered. I called animal control. They would know what to do. Right?!

Uh.... nope. She said "Yikes stay away from it!" Thanks lady. She goes on, "They can spray up to 15 feet." UH WHAT?? I was way, way too close. She then told me that they don't send out anyone unless they are trapped.  And then they kill it but leave it there. for. you. to. bury. Wait, wait, wait,.....WHAT??  Listen lady I couldn't even bury my beloved Piper. (RIP Pipes) And now I am supposed to bury this thing?? This is way too much. I need a xanax stat. She said,  "If we take them away in our trucks the dogs won't get inside because of the smell. Awesome. I am thinking --Don't you have some kind of HAZMAT skunk team?? She suggested I get a trap. Translation- I am on my own.

What I want is for animal control to come out here and "control" the situation!! I need you people to come and get this stink machine now!!!

When I came back in the house, Jackson asked me,"Did you get skunked mom?" Ha ha ha. "You would know if I was." I said.

Thankfully it wandered into the neighbor's yard and then it somehow managed to get back underneath the fence and back into the field. I am totally creeped.  What if it comes back??

Oh man on a much happier note I need to post our pics from our trip to St. George. We encountered a rattlesnake there. What is going on?? Coming soon.


Brooke said...

Oh cousin, this really cracked me up. I totally totally read that in your voice in my mind! Love you!

val said...

oh my gosh. totally laughing at this skunk biz. even tho it's not funny..but your storytelling of it is. translation - i am on my own!
that lady was zero help!!!
they totally need a hazmat skunk team. maybe if markham gets tired of crunching numbers...he can always start up a skunked team. ;)
no bueno on rattlesnakes either.