May 14, 2014

The Park, Books and Cookies

We had fun today. Kaity is off track so I get to spend time with her. When she's in school the days seems to slip by so fast. She gets home and goes to dance and then it's dinner time and then it's bed time. All week long. It makes me sad that at 7 she's gone more than she's home. But she LOVES dance so we do it.

After we dropped Jacks at preschool, we met up with Mariann and her boys for a walk. We used to walk a lot when she lived 3 doors down but since she moved it takes a little more planning. Kaity rode her HK bike of course and Adelyn enjoyed her ride in the stroller. Afterwards we stopped at the park. It was a beautiful day.
What a good big sister.
My last little set of wobbly legs. Bittersweet for sure. 
Pretty soon it was time to pick up Jacks from preschool. We picked up some tacos from Taco Time. Love those crispy bean burritos. Afterwards the kiddos had way too many mini powdered donuts. Thanks for the sweetest comeback ever Hostess. I had one. I wanted more.

I put little Addie in bed with a mess of pink blankets and a book for her nap. I wasn't sure how successful it would be since she snoozed in the van coming home from preschool. dang it. 

Kaity and I had work to do- I promised her we would bake some cookies from her Fairy Cooking Book. It's a super cute book with pictures and easy recipes from Usborne Books.  She LOVES it. Anyway, we needed to take advantage of Addie's nap time.

Meanwhile Jackson was sitting on the couch with a pile of books. I read him a few. He really loves being read to now. For a long time he would have rather done something else but now he can't get enough. I'm glad. I love to cuddle up with my favorite little guy and share a story.
Cookies! Kaity was dang excited. What a cutie. 
 I am always rather surprised how good the recipes turn out from this cute little book. Those fairies have it figured out! Now we gotta get decorating!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Such a fun day! Looks like a great life! Love you guys!