Nov 13, 2013

Off Track

Today the kiddos slept in for the first time since day light savings changed back. It was nice. Markham kissed me goodbye while I was still cuddled up in the covers. All the kiddos still nestled in their beds. 
Pretty soon we were up getting our day started.
I whipped up some eggs while cute Kaity cuddled up on the couch with a book. 
Jackson and Addie got started on some bananas and cereal.

I helped Jackson get dressed and made sure his teeth got a good brush. We drove preschool carpool.  On the way home we made a quick trip through the car wash. I love my black van......(shocked gasp). 

Yes I used the words  "my" "van" and "love" all in the same sentence. Let me tell you, I have been choking back some pretty sharp words that came out of my mouth about how I would never ever drive an uncool min-van. How could I? They are so not my style. I have too much self respect and on and naseum. What a jerk. 

And then I had a big fat reality check after Adelyn was born. The Pilot was not working with 3 kids and carpool. The third baby is a game changer for sure. So we caved and sacrificed style for function and made our lives about 100,000% easier....but it was super tough. Tears were shed by all, even Addie,  but she was always crying back then. I love that van, I get it now. Automatic sliding doors are a beautiful thing. I wanted black, it felt a little less van "ish" and possibly even a little FBI "ish" to me. That's dumb I know, but seriously FBI vehicles on tv and in the movies are always black. But wow, it's no easy task keeping it looking nice. Which I have decided if I have to drive a tube around town, it's going to be a clean and sparkly one. 

Anyway, I digress, there is no point in washing said black tube unless I towel dry it immediately after. So I did. 

With Kaity being off track, we have enjoyed mornings walks while Jacks is at preschool. Today we set out on a long walk to the duck pond. It was an absolutely perfect day. I was bursting with gratitude for the crisp fall weather. 
Kaity moves pretty quick on her Hello Kitty scooter. I got a good work out.
 We made sure to take some bread to feed the ducks. 
 They were hungry!
Little Addie couldn't help herself -  being all nested up in the stroller overcame her and she fell fast asleep. 
She woke up for the ride home and was all smiles.

1 comment:

val said...

lol on crying when you had to get a van. its my dream mobile. I'm a mom…practicality is my middle name. there will be a time and a season when the van won't be my vehicle of choice but for now…yes ma'am. love that you got FBI black.