Aug 13, 2013

Adelyn - 8 months

Adelyn is 8 months old. She is such a little cutie. She loves her brother and sister and laughs and squeals with joy when they play with her. She is very happy and smiles a lot. She lights up when Markham gets home. She waits for him to greet her and loves it when he carries her around. She loves to roll and does so all over the house. We have to watch out for those stairs...she is quick. She is such a joy to have and we couldn't imagine our lives without her. She sleeps like a dream at night and takes 2! naps during the day. I feel so blessed!! I am getting my sleep at night which makes me a much better and happier mommy. 
I always hoped I could give Kaitlyn a sister. What a blessing. 

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