Aug 7, 2013

Jackson is 4!!

According to Jackson's wish, he blew out 4 candles atop a giant web. He had been reminding me he wanted such a cake for the last 6 months, with Spider-man plates, cups and balloons. We had to go to several stores to find all of it, but we made it happen. Happy Bday Jackson!! We love you! 
He is never short on character - always hamming it up.
It was fun to be in California and celebrate with Markham's family.

Watch out Spider-man! The TMNTs have arrived!
Aunt Jen made him a Turtle pillowcase!!
  Gotta love Duck Dynasty!! 
 Jackson will be starting preschool soon. I honestly can't believe he is that old. He is my little man. I will miss his humor and company around the house. He is chock full of personality and cracks me up daily. I love his big smile and belly laugh. He is an awesome big brother to Addie and absolutely adores Kaitlyn.  He loves playing Batman Lego on the Wii and preschool games on NickJr. He has a very active imagination. I often find him laying on his tummy playing with his turtles, guys or monster trucks. He always has an interesting dialogue going on. It makes me giggle. He loves playing with cousins and friends and going to Primary. He is all about Spider-man, but is way into the Turtles now too. I guess time will tell what birthday cake he will want next year...or probably in 6 months, lol.

1 comment:

Four Marrs and One Venus said...

Oh Jacks...we love you so much are were so lucky to spend your big birthday with you! XO you stud!