Mar 31, 2013


We had an awesome Easter Weekend. Saturday was lazy and perfect. The kids played outside with Markham. I spent some time catching up on a few things in the house. We had barbecued hamburgers for dinner and colored eggs in our PJ's. 
Sunday morning the kiddos found eggs scattered all around the house. We went to church and were almost on time!! The girls wore their matching Easter dresses and Jackson wore his new purple shirt (his favorite color) I tried really hard to remind the kiddos why we celebrate Easter. Kaity understands and I think Jackson does most of the time. 
We came home and Markham prepared apple crisp in the dutch oven and then we headed across the street for a yummy Easter feast with our dear friends, the Larsen's  It was a perfect day. 


Marilyn said...

So I haven't check your blog in ages...and hello you have a 3rd child! What a cutie pie. Congrats. You all look fab!

Four Marrs and One Venus said...

LOVE this little family!