Mar 7, 2012

My Day in Court

So I received a lovely green card from Davis Country summoning me for Jury Duty. I was moderately worried but figured I wouldn't have to actually go in.

Wrong. I had to go in.

I showed up with 75 other people to go through a long and boring jury selection process. We were welcomed at 8:30am and shown a short video about how awesome it is to be a juror. True. Duly noted.....but I can't stop worrying about what I'm going to do with my kiddos if I'm selected. Judge informs us that the jurors who are selected for this trial will be needed for 6 days!! Oh and p.s. that's just courtroom time. Deliberations could take another several days. Judge says he has known juries to be deliberating until 2am! Wait...What?

Judge asks if this length of time will be an extreme burden on anyone. Five people raise their hands and give their reasons.  "Make arrangements" is his reply. No one gets a pass. One poor guy had a friend flying in from New Zealand for a visit. Judge said, "You'll have your evenings free."

Are you kidding me? I'm quite certain being a SAHM (stay-at-home mom) would not save me.

We wait.

Meanwhile I am seated next to a 84 year old lady who is a member of the "Tappin' Granny's."  They perform all over the county at different events. Impressive. She taps everyday for 2 hours. Yes I said 84. My workout schedule is just plain embarrassing compared to her routine.

We wait some more.

We sit though introductions of each juror answering about 15 questions about personal history, past employment, etc. one by one. Holy cow. Took forever. But before we shared our information, Judge shared his for like 20 minutes.  He is cracking jokes and recounting personal anecdotes. Entertaining? Maybe, if I had no concept of how much time is passing, or had zero compassion for my sweet neighbor and awesome friend who is handling her three children + Kaitlyn and Jackson at nap time. I shudder to think how that is working out.

We are excused for a 45 minute break for lunch. There are few options.

Rush back to the courtroom after eating half a disgusting panini and gross soup form Harmon's.

wait, wait, complete silence for an hour.

Judge finally returns and gives us specific details about the case. He poses about a billion questions in several scenarios and asks if we have ever had experience with said scenarios. If so, we need to explain in front of the entire group. We are instructed to "disclose" information that may make it difficult to stay objective during the case. Painfully exhaustive, almost everyone has something to "disclose" including myself.

Meanwhile my phone goes off loud and proud.- "Say it Right", thanks Nelly Furtado. Awesome. It should have been off.  I had been sneaking text messages to Markham.


I had nothing else to do. I had been prepared and brought a book, Fablehaven book 5, which was absolutely perfect since I just finished book 2. I apparently grabbed the wrong one in my frantic haste earlier in the morning.

Jurors were excused in groups all throughout the day. I am convinced I will be selected. It is just my luck. At this point, my anxiety is full throttle and I'm a hot mess. We are down to 30 now, it is 3pm.

We wait another 40 minutes for the lawyers to decide who the jurors will be.  While we are sitting there, Judge gives us a history lesson on the Magna Carta.

Judge also tells us not to be offended or take it personally if we are not selected for the jury. Trust me. It's not gonna be a problem. Tappin' Granny might be a little bummed though. She has been amped the whole day.

The time has come. The names are read out loud painfully slow. I start to wonder if they are just being cruel. It's so completely nerve racking.

My name is not one of them.

The rest of us are excused. Hooray!!

 It's 4pm.

Super long day, but I'm not complaining.

The End


Kim said...

Love this account of your day! I was summoned for jury duty one time, but I didn't have kids at the time. It was a pain then, I can only imagine how tricky it would be now! I wish they would just let people who have the time to do it volunteer!

CottleCrew said...

Awesome! You were composing this blog post in your mind all day, huh? . . . glad you you don't actually have to go! P.S. Fablehaven is awesome, need to read those again!

Four Marrs and One Venus said...

Holy Cow what a day!!!!! I am tired just reading about it! ;) And Aaron just read your post with me...and Said "she is reading Fablehaven? Does she like it? lol too cute!! So happy you got excused. Man. This story made me chuckle I can only imagine your phone and your face

Emma said...

This is too funny! Glad you didnt get picked!

Melissa Hernandez said...

ha ha...oh man can i totally relate since i had my little jury duty incident not too long ago. it's seriously rediculous how long and drawn out the whole process is!! glad you didn't have to go for 6 days, lol!!

val said...

holy long jury selection day. i've never been selected (knock on wood) but it sounds painful. glad you didn't have to endure more. fun to check in on you guys...;)

Linnell/Mom said...

I cracked up at this account of your day in court!! I KNOW how concerned you were about having to go in and possibly getting picked as a juror. Your phone going off, seriously, is so hilarious! You know there had to be a whole bunch of people using their phones illegally! I'll bet there was a lot of snickering when yours rang! So sweet of MaryAnn to watch the kiddos! Wish I were closer to help you on days like this. Love you all!

Brandon and Lesli said...

Holy cow that stink! What about the tappin granny? I've so glad you didn't get chosen - I always get a little panicky thinking that might happen to me. Way to step up to your civic duty:)