Mar 31, 2012

Easter Already?!

 I can't believe it's almost Easter again!! I know it's so cliche, but time flies!!

This morning we took the kiddos to the neighborhood park for the ward Easter Egg Hunt. It was fun and windy, like every year.

 I was so proud of Kaity. She had a ton of eggs and didn't think Jacks had enough so she took several of her eggs and put them in Jackson's basket. What a cutie.

Afterwards we walked home, snuggled in and watched conference. I really slacked on making treats today, I will be better tomorrow. Kaity spent the majority of the day playing with the cute neighbor girls and Jacks took a nice long nap.
Jacks already chowing down
Don't worry it was 9am.
Good Grief.


Four Marrs and One Venus said...

Oh Jacks- get it in your belly!! ha! What a sweet Kait, giving her Jacks some, loved it! Love those kiddos! Happy Easter Carrolls! Love-Jen

Linnell/Mom said...

HaHaHa. He is all boy and Kaity is the best big sister! I just love those 2 little kiddos! Give them hugs and kisses from us!