May 23, 2011

Where oh where

I was planning on taking pictures of the flowers my wonderful mother helped me pick out and plant. Thanks Mom!! We planted a bunch of stuff, and I am so happy. I also have 3 pots that are doing so well! I have always had terrible luck with this stuff, apparently I wasn't giving them sufficient water. The sprinklers alone were not getting it done. So I have a new chore, but I much enjoy it.

However, I have been unable to take said pictures because my little son has hidden my camera charger. It has been missing since we got back from St. George. I know it is here somewhere, only Jack knows where. I have conducted a thorough investigation but all leads have gone cold. This is when it would be nice to have a camera that eats batteries. So (big sigh) I can't take any pictures of flowers or anything.

In other news, Markham and I are gearing up for the U2 concert tomorrow!!!! There are not words  to adequately describe my excitement. Dear Black Clouds hovering around-- please go away for awhile, we have had enough rain, thank you.

And the most exciting news, we booked a cruise!! We haven't been on a big kiddo-free trip since our Honeymoon, way too long. It isn't until November, a long time, but it will make me love fall that much more! It will also be fun to look forward to. So all you cruisers out there, any tips?? This is our first time! We are going to the western Caribbean, any fun excursions?  Please tell!


CottleCrew said...

Hey . . . we are going to the concert tonight too!!! Maybe we'll see you??? Amid all the millions of people, ok maybe thousands, but I'll think of you! Have fun!

P.S. I'll take pictures for you :)

Annie said...

wow, i can't even begin to tell you how jealous i am!! That concert looked amazing!! what a fun night!