Jan 31, 2011

Little Prince

My little guppy is 18 months old!! I took him to the doctor and the dentist last week. Not a party, but necessary. 
31.2 inches (25th percentile)
24.6 lbs (35th percentile)

Not a giant kiddo anymore. He weighed 20lbs at 9 months....so his growth has slowed considerably. He still has very little hair. Good thing he has such a cute little head.

He is such a mamma's boy. He loves to cuddle and often brings me his blanket so we can do just that. He loves books. At bedtime, he picks a book and sits on my lap.  He still wakes 2 or 3 times a night...which has been frustrating. We are working through it.

His appetite has slowed quite a bit. I think I know why the dog is gaining weight; Jackson feeds her everything off his plate.

He is such a chatter box and seems to say a new word everyday. His new one is thank you "Dank Que." He loves to squeal and "dance" (stomps in place and claps) He loves his sister and wants to do everything she does, much to her frustration.

 He gets very jealous when Roxy sits on my lap and promptly comes and tries to sit right on top of her. He is fascinated with her ears and tail. And is always trying to hug her head. He also likes to snuggle her, which basically means he lays on top of her. This is tough. I do what I can for her when I see it happen. She is a very sweet and tolerant pup.

He has been going to nursery like a champ! I find myself almost lost in Sunday school. Keeping him entertained and quiet was a big job! 

I can't believe he will be 2 soon! WOW.
 Happy 18 months Jacks! 


Lindsey said...

Jacks is seriously so CUTE!!! I need to come and visit u guys.....soon!! I want to hear all these words he's saying! And I am surprised at his stats!! I am used to calling him chubs....etc....not anymore!! I was seriously wondering who's kid he really was!!! Love u guys!!

Annie said...

what a little stud! that is hilarious that loves to feed to dog so much. smartie :-) he looks like such a little man now!

Jed and Rebecca said...

What a little cutie! I love his happy face in the tub!

The Marchant's said...

Wow! Where did that go? What a babe! Give those kiddos a kiss for me!