Mar 5, 2010

Mister No Nap

Jackson is killing me with his no nap schedule. He is just too busy rolling around, banging his poor face and head on whatever attempts to get in his way. He wears himself out and then face plants wherever he happens to run out of steam for a quick snooze (20 minutes) and then he is right back at it. He is never interested in taking a "real" nap. If I try to put him in his crib, my oh my, he gets quite insulted and lets me know it.

Hopefully this is just a phase and he will be back to taking a "real" naps very soon!!


Melissa Hernandez said...

We are in the same boat. Eva will nap 45 minutes in the morning and like 30 minutes in the afternoon, and she somehow is fine with it, I am sooo used to Isabella (who is the best sleeper ever), we still aren't sleeping through the nights on top of it. It's been one tooth after another and that dang pacifier that gets lost in the middle of the night. I am ready for a good night sleep.

Yadira said...

Hopefully it is only a phase because he is too little to be skipping his naps. My kids both napped really good until last year. and Kaylee is 6 and braden 4. Now once in awhile they nap when I need one too they lay with me and they sleep and it is such a good rest.

Ashley said...

I really hope this is just a little phase. That is just awful... I remember WAITING for nap time... I am so sorry April :(

mikeandang said...

Naughty, naughty. Silly boy! Doesn't he know Mommy needs her naps, too?

Annie said...

ugh. hope he grows out of it soon! i couldn't live without naptime, somedays it can't come soon enough. good thing he is cute. that ALMOST makes up for the no-naps :-)

The Marchant's said...

How can you be made at that cute chubby face??!!