Feb 3, 2010

The Binkie Fairy

Of all my mommy confessions I'm not proud of, allowing my 3 year old to have a pacifier was near the top of the list. She only used it at night and nap time, but was beginning to want it off and on during the day. I just kept thinking, if I don't make it a battle, she will get over it, grow out of it, etc. WRONG! I had tried all the tricks-- cutting the tip off, bribing her, just taking it away and hearing her scream and cry for hours, but hearing, "Mommy, I need my B, I need it, please give it back." wasn't getting any easier. However, something had to give when she would call out in the night because she had lost it, "I NEED MY BINKIE!" Some nights I was getting up 4-5 times between her and Jackson. That is when I enlisted the help of the Binkie Fairy.

The Binkie Fairy is fabulous. She comes and picks up the binkie and leaves a new toy in it's place. Kaity had several binkies so the Fairy had to leave several toys, but it was successful and I am on cloud 9!! NO MORE BINKIES!

For any desperate moms out there needing to ditch the binkie, here is what you do---
Explain to your reluctant little one you heard the Binkie Fairy is coming through the neighborhood tonight, and she needs all the binkies for little babies who don't have any. In return, she will leave a toy. (It may take some convincing) Put ALL the binkies in a box and wrap in pretty wrapping paper of your child's choice, let them pick it and help you. When you are done, put it by your front door and talk it up all day, "I wonder what the Binkie Fairy is going to leave you!" and "How exciting!" Be super upbeat and positive. Prepare yourself, the first night will be hard. Kaitlyn cried and of course wanted her binkie. She decided she didn't want the Binkie Fariy to come anymore. BE POSITIVE and excited about it, focus on the new toys she will get. Explain she is a big girl now and you are proud of her.

Markham laid in bed with her until she fell asleep. At this point the hard part is over! We immediately threw the binkie box in the garbage and put her new toys in their place. (NOTE: you really need to nail it with the toy(s) you select, she needs to feel like she really hit the jackpot)

The second night was better, and by the 3rd, she was totally over it ;) Not a word about it. The biggest thing I liked about it was not being the bad guy.. When she asked for it after the first night, I simply said, "Oh, I'm sorry, the Binkie Fairy took them, but don't you love your new toys?" Focus on the positive and lay on the praise thick, always tell her how proud you are of her.

Anyway, it has been a life saver for us. I am getting a lot more sleep, happy!!! I can't take credit for this cute idea, I didn't come up with it, but it worked for us! Good luck!


Matt and Tracy said...

ah, yes, the good 'ole binkie fairy. my sister had her stop by :) i'm so happy it worked for you guys! GO KAITY!!! we have been tempted to have the milk fairy come visit when rian has trouble drinking her milk. and the toy fairy when rian has trouble picking up her toys. don't you just love fairies!!!

Yadira said...

That is a good idea. Way to go April. Kaylee was my binkie child. and she had her binkie up to almost 3 yrs. old. But somehow the binkie got lost and we never got another one for her. Months later I found the binkie and just threw it away without her knowing.

PS. You have to tell me how to use fonts. I have downloaded tons of them and do not know how to use them in my blog.

Amanda said...

Do they make a Thumb Fairy?

Ashley said...

Sweet!! I am so happy for you guys. I know it is hard to take those binkies away. They are so cute too! That is an awesome idea! Love it!!! Good job MOM!

Love you guys!

Bekah Condie said...

That's so funny you posted about this. I heard about the "Binkie Fairy" just the other week and was determined to do it. Kyle threw in a kink saying he thought it was gay...so I just cut the tips, but it's been MISERABLE. Maybe I will do the Fairy thing cause I can't take his crying for "teenty" anymore! Congratulations though! What a feat!

Lindsey said...

Oh my heck that is like the best idea!! And obviously it worked like a charm!! I like the pic of Katie jamming out, what a little pink princess!!

Kelli and Chad said...

That is such a great idea!! I have been dreading taking Andi's binkie away. She only has it at naps and at night, but I know the day is coming very soon when we need to ditch the binkie. I don't want to move her to a big girl bed with a binkie. So thanks for the advice, the binkie fairy is so coming to our house!

Jed and Rebecca said...

Good thing you live across the street from me...that why when I need help raising this baby you can give me all of your good ideas!

russ and annie said...

I don't think there is a mother out there that hasn't done something to, or with her kids, she swore she would never do! Awesome idea!

CottleCrew said...

I agree with the post that wonders if there is a thumb fairy. My kids never took to binkies, but Cole sucks his thumb and I am worried about that upcoming battle.

We also use the Shoe Fairy if you every need it. Garrett could put his shoes outside his door during nap time and if we went to sleep and stayed in his room without playing than I would call the Shoe Fairy and she would bring him a treat and put it in his shoes. And if he didn't calm down to sleep . . . she didn't come and he would be sad enough to try harder the next day.

Darrington Family said...

My sister-in-law has had this same battle. I can't wait to tell her about the Binkie Fairy! She will love it! I miss you April! Love your blog! I am trying to be a better blogger. Thanks for checking in on me once in a while. :0)