Jan 13, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Momma, I wanna watch the chipbonks on Netflix."

I have heard this question about a billion times. She loves watching instant movies on Netflix. I love it too because it doesn't interfere with my Fox News habit. But the chipmunks, or "chipbonks" aren't available for instant play. Will someone please explain this to her? I have tried. She is NOT getting it.

We have been working like crazy to get the basement painted. Painting sucks. After our first day, Markham and I were beat. At 1:20am, we called it a day and he said, "Man it sucks getting old." I had to laugh. Markham is getting pretty grey at 27. I wish I was 27. Kaity has been a ton of "help." It is pretty obvious where she has "helped." I'm mad at myself for not snapping a couple of pictures. She was pretty cute with her paint brush. She managed to get paint everywhere, including her face and hair...thanks goodness for water-based paint.

(imagine picture here).....

Jackson is still super happy and adorably chunky...
Peace out.


Kelli and Chad said...

Markham is only 27?? He is just a baby :) that is cute with Kaity and the netflix! My kids are the same way. Kemper always wants to watch Mario and I have to explain it too. Have I told you how adorable I think Jackson is?? I do, in case I haven't told you!

Ashley said...

Yay for the basement being almost finished!!! It is going to look so awesome and I am way excited to come and stay in it. Kaity looks so adorable in those glasses and Jackson... I just want to kiss those cheeks. Seriously when I am holding him that is all I do!! LOL

Love you guys!!!

PS... sorry I have been so bad on commenting lately. I will be better! :)