Sep 21, 2009

"no", dirty diapers, nap strike, and other pleasantries

Kaitlyn is cute, I know. Unfortunately, said cuteness does not cure her insufferable behavior as of late. I think I have heard her say, "No" or something like it at least 20 times in the last 24 hours. It has been neat. She is quickly approaching her 3rd birthday and I was beginning to whisper to myself, "we made it through (the terrible two's)." How stupid was that. I might as well been begging for it.

Diapers. I have 2 children who fill them up at an astonishing rate and I change them and change them and change them, ad naseam. It is disgusting. After nearly three years, it is no less gross, or challenging to a germ-a-phobe like myself to deal with. To my great regret Kaitlyn has no interest in potty "learning" as it is called by "experts" now. Of course I have tried. I mean my mother tells me I was potty trained at 18 months. Really? Cuz that makes me feel A WHOLE LOT better. I guess that is a testament to my own awesomeness. Kaitlyn is not so awesome. We have run the gamete, including buying big girl panties, a potty seat, potty charts, stickers, rewards, pull-ups, potty training videos/books, etc. She would just rather go in her pants, and she does, whether she has panties on or not. And says things like, "Momma, it is too hard for me" (to go in the big girl potty.) Yeah, I tried the whole "cold turkey" method, riiight. That works. Huge mistake. Not only did she go in her panties, but she refused to try to go on the toilet at all after like two times. That was a massive and total failure. So for now, she is back in pampers. Hooray.

And to continue with my whine fest and great frustration, nap time seems to be fading. I felt so lucky that she was such an awesome nap taker. Sometimes 2-3 hours of peace. Not so much anymore. I am lucky to get her to stay in her room for 30 minutes, which turns out to be lots of fun around 5pm when she is impossibly tired and grumpy. Then I hear "no" with even more tone and aggression. It is lovely.

Oh... and a true bad mommy confession. She still uses a pacifier at night. I used to think it would be easier for her to give it up when I could reason with her. Uhmmmm.... nope. She will not and cannot sleep without it. I am too exhausted, burnt out, etc. at the end of the day for any battles with a tired and unreasonable 2 year old. I have tried every little cute thing under the sun to get her to relinquish it, but to no avail. So there it is.

Tomorrow will be better.


Kim said...

Isn't 3 (and almost 3) something else? People warned me but I didn't believe them.

My philosophy for this crazy time of life is that all bad habits can be corrected later. For now I just try to make it through the day.

Melissa Hernandez said...

Hang in there, I swear the first 2 months with a newborn and a 2 1/2 year old were, to say the least, hell...pardon my honesty. I loved the newborn, it was the 2 year old that exhausted me, and shouldn't it be the other way around?? But I will say it is getting so so much better, and I can even use the term "fun" to describe my days. You will be there shortly, I promise!!! We (I) am still changing 2 poopy bums a day as well. We are having the same problem with Isa. We did finally cut the tip off her paci about 2 months ago, and it was a dream. We just kept saying it was broken. I would still give it to her and pretend I didn't notice it had a huge whole in the top, after a couple days she said "mom it's broken" and that was that. Good luck, too bad you don't live closer I would bring you over a large diet coke and giant bag of m&m's (I always have them in stock!!)

sunny said...

Oh my goodness, it may feel bad but it is not that bad. There are worse things like my situation. Take a stubborn child who won't sleep without the breast- and who's almost two...and you will have the biggest mommy confession out there! :< Got a bad day? Gimme a call girlfriend.

Lindsey said...

Oh seester I am sorry!! I don't really know how you are feeling because Jake is already potty "learned" hehe. Kaity is just a little girl who likes to do things her way and on her you don't know this!! All I can say is good luck! Your a great, loving mom, she will get it with your help!!

Matt and Tracy said...

oh april. i wish i could just come over and give you a hug! but i obviously can't so i am sending you a virtual hug!
you know that i just recently went through the potty 'learning' and speaking from experience, i wouldn't even begin trying until kaity is showing that she is ready. it's just going to frustrate you, it did me for a long, long time. once rian turned three and was embarrassed about wearing diapers, she was completely ready and it was so easy after that! i used a little bit of reverse pyschology on her and we stopped using pull-ups. it was diapers or panties, that's it!but seriously, don't waste your energy if kaity isn't ready!
i feel like it's almost like the whole breastfeeding thing. remember? it's okay if kaity is still in diapers. she just had a huge adjustment in her life, so she probably needs a little bit of time. i know you are tired of changing them both, but i would much rather change my next child's diapers longer than go through the stress i went through when ri wasn't ready, but i was!
as far as nap goes, when i hit that time with rian, i will make her take a 'quiet time' instead. i'll give her some books and lay her down in her bed and not let her out of her room until quiet time is over. not use how that will work with kaity, but that is my plan :)
i loved how you ended the post. tomorrow will be better! everyone goes through this, and i am just happy that you are willing to get it out and share it with us. doesn't it make you feel so much better? you are not a bad mommy! so kaity still has the paci at night, it could be a lot worse. you are an amazing mommy!
sorry this is so long :)

Brown said...

April - Sorry about the bad day! I so miss talking to you! But I'm so glad we finally hit our "means to an end!" We cut off the tip of Bailey's plug (just one) and she totally won't touch it, but yes I still have whole plugs when I need a sanity moment. She too takes it for when she's sleeping. Would love to see you sometime!

val said...

ugh potty there anything worse? my annie is totally uninterested. we've gone through stages where she is interested but lately it's a no go. i guess i'll continue to change a tiny new bottom and a huge 3 year old bottom. ugh. i'm hoping that the "time when they are ready" isn't her 8th birthday!
hang in there...there's so many of us going through the exact same thing. you are not alone :)