May 21, 2009

AriZonA 2oo9!!

Annual Family Vacation!
We got home from a vacation with my family a couple of days ago. We have been doing the annual family vacation thing as long as I can remember, now it has grown to include spouses and kids and we are still growing!! We stayed in a quaint little town called Cave Creek, not far from Phoenix. It was so so fun. Always the stuff of memories. Unfortunately, for me, this year had a traumatic beginning, and a memory for which I hope I will soon forget. After a long day of driving, we finally reached our destination. I was busy sanitizing all the door handles, tv remotes, light swithes, etc. Being the germ-a-phobe I am, I find myself hopelessly compelled. I had lost sight of Kaitlyn for only a few minutes, which turns out to be plenty of time for a disaster to happen. I spotted her just in time to witness, in complete and total horror, a TOILET PLUNGER in her mouth!!!! Of course, I spiral into a full blown, 5 alarm panic attack of epic measure and never seen before scope. This is the stuff of nightmares!! Kaitlyn has very possibly ingested feces, the very substance that motivates me to meticulously sanitize grocery carts, etc. etc. etc. It has happened. I can't change it. Of course, we scrub her hands and do our best to wash her mouth out, but it has happened. The next few days I am a basket case, riddled with fear and guilt that she is on the verge of becoming violently ill with some sort of pathogen. The next day, she has diarrhea and is vomiting and has a low grade fever. We make a trip to the ER. The doctor explains she has most likely contracted a "bug" that she may or may not have picked up from the toilet plunger. He did not seem to be a fraction as panicked as I was. Before leaving, the sweet little nurse, noticing my need for reassurance, explained that Kaitlyn is exposed to that kind of "stuff" all the time, I decided not to give her a run down of my obsessive compulsive sanitizing efforts. She said to keep her hydrated and to bring her back if symptoms persist. WOW. Well, it was been over a week and Kaitlyn is just fine. If she can survive that, grocery carts seem trivial. I am happy to report the rest of the week was great! We had a lot of fun. We spent lazy days at the pool, Ashley and I got the token sunburns this year, last year it was Jake. We went shopping, got pedicures, went to Angels and Demons, which was very very good. Went to the zoo, played games into the wee hours, and ate really yummy food. We went out to eat so much, Kaitlyn's new past time is taking my order. She puts on her apron, and with a notebook and pen asks me with her head slightly cocked, "What you want," after I make an appropriate response, she writes it down and says, "anything else," and "wanna a soda" and finally says, "coming right up." It is pretty cute. Here we are enjoying a meal at "Tortilla Flats" a restaurant loaded with character in the hills above Mesa. Dollar bills lined the walls floor to ceiling.
Kaity and Parker having fun in the tunnel. They passed many hours playing together.What cuties!!
They are only 4 months apart, and could totally pass as twins.
Getting ready for a fun filled day at the Phoenix Zoo. Kaitlyn was obsessed with Parker holding her hand. He was very good about it.
This picture reminds me of an older couple. It looks like Kaity is asking for directions, because we all know it wouldn't be the guy.
Playing at the splash park
Posing for some quick pics before church.
Thanks everyone for making it so fun!!


Lindsey said...

OH MY GOSH!!! What an adventure...A TOLIET PLUNGER??? Yummy. Glad my little bean is doing better.
SUPER cute pictures!! Those two are going to be BFF's for LIFE!!
You are smokin hot prego...I need to witness your beauty in person...STAT.
Expect a phone call...very soon:)
Love you and miss you LOTS!

Ashley said...

Oh Arizona!! I love that place! We had so much fun and that pedicure... nothing beats one of those!! And I started peeling on my shoulders... bummer!

I love all those pics of Parks and Kaity.... I stole all of them and saved them to my Comp. They do look like twins. It makes me wonder what the little one in your tummy is going to look like? I cant wait to see!!!

Love you April!!

PS... I did not know that you went through the apt and sanatized the door handles and the remotes. Wow you are too Funny!!! (and a little crazy) J/K haha

Melissa Hernandez said...

Oh I was gasping for air as I was reading the plunger story. I too am a HUGE germaphobe, and the plunger is one thing I specifically hide in my house because it creeps me out more than anything else, so I can only imagine the horror you felt as a mom, I too would have died!!! But, it sounds like the rest of the trip was fantastic and you are looking super cute too!!

Kelli and Chad said...

I was totally laughing out loud when I read the plunger story April. I mean, I gasped at first cause lets face it......gross! But something that could happen to any mom, and your telling was histerical. The hotel cleaning must be a Frodsham thing, my mom is obsessive about it too. She will come into my room if we are on a trip together and start cleaning my remotes, phones, and all that. My germ a phobe husband appreciates it I'm sure.

The pictures of Kaity and Parker are so dang adorable, seriously. and I love your pregnant belly!

Linnell/Mom said...

What fun pictures!!! It's nice that Kaity and Parker are now old enough to pose - we get such great smiles!! I'm just gonna forget the whole toilet plunger experience!!! Just a bad dream!! Luv Ya!!

sunny said...

oh my goodness! Sounded awful and frustrating as a mommy! Glad you are back and safe and healthy. We need to get together! Miss you!

Darrington Family said...

Kaity is beautiful. I loved this post because it brought back fun memories I have of you...having to have a Kleenex in hand to touch a pay phone, and brushing your teeth after every meal at lunch at school. Glad to see you are still nuts....(you know I'm teasing). Sad to must have rubbed off on me. I am now, especially since I've had kids an official germ-a-phobe. So thanks a lot. LOL! You have the cutest little pregnant tummy! I love it!

Bekah Condie said...

Okay the toilet plunger incident...HORRIFYING! I would have been absolutely psychotic. You don't have very long left to go now!! We should get together soon, or take Kaity so you and Markham can have a night out before the baby comes.

Lindsey said...

Good to see the pics up on the blog!! Very cute seester!! It was so great that we all got to go this year!! 6 weeks left......we are excited to have a new little nephew!!

Darrington Family said...

Hey April! Just thought I'd check in on my cute little pregnant friend! Are you naming your baby Jackson? I love it. I wanted to name one of our boys that, but spell it Jaxon. Cade wouldn't go for it, because he didn't come up with it. (He also has a DISTANT cousin named that.) Anyway....hope things are going well for you! :0)

The Tressler Adventures said...

Oh April! As a fellow germaphobe I can imagine your horror. I watched my neice like the bathroom floor in a hotel. I think god makes kids resilient because He knows the mischief they will get into.